Monday, September 07, 2009

"September - August Gone Already..."

September... sigh. Cooler temperatures are always welcome, but I never like the concept of approaching winter, with it's dry, cold winds, leafless trees, flu season, and months of dreaming of warmer weather, hoping the cold will soon be over.

Summers as a child were always so free... three months of no school, and every day I was free to do as I pleased. No wonder as a member of the working world, summer is now over in a flash. Between daily responsibilities, a quick trip to Kamakura & Enoshima one day; later in the summer, a few days in Kyoto; a summer festival in Koganei... and a few other things, but that's about it.

Ah... one reason I didn't do more, was because I used some of the free time I did have to edit photos and video. The last project of August (and early September) was a video about the Koganei Natsu Matsuri (summer festival) that I finished editing today:

For text about that festival, see my "Natsu Matsuri in Koganai - August 2009" blog post.

Sore dewa, sleep is needed!

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

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